An adult day care that fosters an atmosphere of belonging while allowing independence and a connection with others

Resources and Partnerships:

Explore the benefits of an adult day care that provides various levels of support

Each member will have recreational activities, volunteer opportunities, friendly faces, and kind support. We work with other organizations in the area to provide all this without hassle.


Hours daily

We offer services from 6am - 5pm. for regularly scheduled members.
Drop in care is available from 8am to 4pm daily.


Members served

Our members bring joy to our lives, and our program's essential services empower them to flourish within their community. Hear what people have to say

Image of 4U member excited

Bringing those who most need community into the community

We offer each member the opportunity to enrich their lives by volunteering in their community and the chance to learn skills that everyone uses daily to thrive on their own. This encourages them to be independent and to become a part of the community they live in.


Our staff friendly encourage members to make their own decisions and find activities they enjoy.

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Our program is designed to work with members on meal planning, shopping, and food preparation.

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We utilize local resources for physical activity, learning, and connecting with the community.

Image of 4U member at a community event

Every member gets the opportunity to have new experiences and discover new talents and joys.

See The Member Experience